Professional call answering services can bridge the gap for companies requiring seasonal cover without the need to take on new staff. We can divert your calls automatically so that you never miss a client - our professional Zoomettes will field your calls professionally and efficiently and your customers will never know that you are outsourcing.
We offer:
- call answering services
- reception overflow (virtual receptionists)
- sales agents
- temporary cover for employee holidays, bank holidays, seasonal holidays, employee sickness, maternity leave, and emergencies
- extra call handlers and sales staff for busy periods
- customer service agents
- recruitment and marketing response teams
- brochure sending
- call centre services
- diary management
Let our highly-trained call agents keep your business running smoothly no matter how busy or short-staffed you are! Our flexible holiday cover service is totally flexible and bespoke, and we can have you set up within 10 minutes!
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