The way your business handles its calls can make or break your company. At Zoom Answer Call we offer professional call handling and phone management services that can really make a difference to your sales, your customer retention and your business growth.
Have a look at our dos and don'ts for handling your business calls and see how many you achieve and avoid - and if you're scoring more heavily in the 'don't' department, maybe it's time to give us a call!
Business Call Handling Dos:
- Do answer all your calls as quickly as possible, preferably within the first three rings;
- Do smile when you pick up the phone - it's nice to feel like someone is pleased to receive your call;
- Do introduce yourself and identify your company when you answer;
- Do speak clearly and politely;
- Do repeat and reiterate details where necessary;
- Do keep accurate records of existing customers and refer to their previous interactions so they know you are on the same page;
- Do take accurate messages and act on them swiftly;
- Do transfer calls to the right person or department as quickly as possible;
- Do go the extra mile - customers really appreciate a call that answers all their queries;
- Do focus on the conversation - if you allow distractions or boredom to cause your mind to wander you'll find yourself in an awkward situation or you'll miss a vital piece of information;
- Do follow up any messages or call backs within one business day;
- Do ask before you put someone on hold - it's the phone equivalent of turning your back on someone;
- Do make sure any answerphones provide basic information that callers might need;
- Do offer a consistent approach to phone answering - each operator should handle calls in the same way and in the same manner.
Business Call Handling Don'ts:
- Don't allow noise and disruption when answering calls;
- Don't be impatient or brusque - even if you're stressed and busy. If you're finding it hard to politely deal with calls then it's definitely time to call in some professionals to do it for you!
- Don't use slang, overly informal language or 'fillers' such as 'like', 'you know', and 'uh huh';
- Don't use negative language or speak rudely to customers on the phone;
- Don't pretend you know the answer or guess - ALWAYS find out before you give a customer the answer to a question you don't know, even if it means offering to call them back or putting them on hold;
- Don't lose your temper!
- Don't forget to call customers back if you need to follow up on something;
- Don't keep customers on hold for more than a minute or two, or send them round a neverending cycle of automated button-pressing;
- Don't guess when writing down names and addresses you're not sure how to spell - ask the customer to spell it out for you and make sure it's accurate;
- Don't use a speaker phone - they're hard to hear and sound unprofessional;
Phone answering skills are so important for businesses, whether you're a tiny start up or a multi-national company! Your incoming and outgoing calls are a fundamental part of your customer acquisition and retention, so it's worth making the effort to make your call handling as high quality as possible. If you're finding it difficult to keep on top of your business calls then let us do it for you! Our Zoom operators are experts in customer service and can help your company to run smoothly and efficiently while you get on with managing everything else!