Tuesday 7 February 2012

How Do You Handle Snow Days?

It's snowed! A source of excitement to young and old alike, snow can also be a cause for big problems for businesses. When staff and deliveries can't get to where they need to be on time, business can end up stopping altogether. Now, here at Zoom we can't do much about any deliveries that you need to get in or out, but staff not making it into the office? That, we may be able to help with!

We offer the ability to sign up to our call answering services as an ad hoc service. You become a member for life and can use the Zoomettes as short term cover whenever you need to. That includes snow days as well as illnesses, emergencies, bank holidays or even just those extra busy times. We can even route certain calls to any number you like, so even if you're stuck at home, you can still speak to important clients as if you were in the office.

We know you can't plan for the unexpected, so we don't need you to predict the weather or anticipate staff illnesses, all you need to do is give us a call and our telephone answering service can be on line in as little as 10 minutes.

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