Monday 16 April 2012

Dealing With Difficult Callers

While we do answer every call with a smile on our face, we cannot guarantee that every call will be a happy one. Call answering services like ours quickly build up experience with dealing with many different types of callers. We like to think that we keep the majority of our callers happy, but sometimes a caller will already be irate about an issue they are experiencing before they make the call. It is our job to handle that caller in such a way that they are satisfied with the way things are moving forward, even if all we can do is pass the message on to the right person.

It is obviously crucial that we can identify callers who are annoyed as only then can we be aware that we need to handle their call more carefully than usual. While some callers are obviously angry and speak loudly and abruptly, many people become icily polite when they are really upset, so it is important that our Zoomettes don't mistake this for 'normal' politeness!

The best way we have found of dealing with upset callers is to really listen to what they're saying and give them a chance to get their issue off their chests. At the same time, honesty really is the best policy, so if we don't know the answer to their question, we will say so! Instead we will tell them what we will do, whether that is put them through to the right person, or get a message to the person they need to speak to.

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