Thursday 28 February 2013

Improving Your Customer Service - Part 3

At Zoom Answer Call, customer service is one of our greatest strengths - we believe that your customers build your business, and it's important to treat each one as well as possible. If you need professional assistance to help boost your customer service department, our call answering services can help! Or if you're simply in need of a few pointers and tips to raise your customer service game a little, then read on... (You can also read part 1 and part 2 of our customer service series for more advice.)

  1. Say "yes" whenever you can. This means finding a way to help your customers no matter what. If you can't do exactly as they ask, then offer a suitable alternative or compensation - the fact that you've tried to accommodate their request will serve as a big positive for your customer service reputation.
  2. Know when and how to apologise. Sometimes things go wrong - everyone can understand that, and even the grouchiest customer can be appeased if you handle it the right way. Apologise, admit your error and - most importantly - deal with the consequences professionally and quickly.
  3. Make things easy for your customers. This includes finding information, organisational systems, transactions, enquiries, returns and complaints. If your customers can't get hold of you, or become confused and frustrated trying to negotiate your system, website or customer service line, they will either become angry or simply give up. Keep a reliable human element in your business and make sure there's always help at hand for your customers. This may mean implementing a phone answering service to ensure that there is always someone professional and knowledgeable at the end of the phone.
  4. Go above and beyond. How can you improve on your competition and give customers more? How can you offer a better and more reliable service? How can you surprise and delight your customers? A big part of this can come down to customer service - customers like feeling like they are valued and respected on an individual basis. Take the time to show your appreciation. Ask if there's anything else you can do. 
  5. Train your employees well and include them in the daily workings and development of your customer services. Having happy and knowledgeable employees means that they will pass these benefits onto your customers. Show them the importance of your customer service department and work together to find ways of improving it.
We hope these tips have been of help to you and your business in improving your customer services. If you need practical help with customer service management, call answering services, a virtual reception,  seasonal cover and more, get in touch with us at Zoom Answer Call.

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