Wednesday 23 April 2014

Let Zoom Help

Everyday, we continuously hear about how times are getting tougher and tougher, and how stress levels are now a record high. 

“Work smarter, not harder” Here at Zoom, we believe that a stable and resourceful environment helps develop a brilliant work ethic, which is exactly what our services aim to do, achieve and accomplish. 

Being stressed will essentially develop into more stress. Many people believe that if you consistently keep on working, things will get completed eventually down the end of the line. This is somewhat true, however there’s a point of when enough work is enough, and there’s not much point in continuous hard work if the work that’s being produced lacks in quality. 

At Zoom, we take a smarter approach. We can reduce your work load by a sufficient amount, and keep your clients and customers happy, and happy customers mean better business, easing your stress levels, which is why Zoom have taken a new direction into answering and managing phone calls

If you’re away on business, travelling or just out of the office, our Zoomette’s will answer calls in your business’s name, as well as transferring calls directly to you as if you’re right in the office. You can be assured that we’ll always represent your business’s name to the highest standards. 

We act as a virtual receptionist for your company. We’ll be the first point of contact, meaning that calls won’t be passed on time and time again, infuriating you, and your clients. 

Times may be getting stressful, but we’re here to help and support you, and your company calls, leaving you with one less thing to stress about. 

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