Tuesday 31 March 2015


Constant distractions make quality work a continual challenge. Often you need time to focus and apply yourself to the tasks that need your undivided attention, but when the telephone keeps ringing you find that time and time again you have to begin your tasks all over again as you have lost your train of thought or your computer has timed out and gone to hibernate!

Your time is valuable and when it is wasted, you are literally throwing money down the drain because you have to repeat the same thing more than once, just because you have lost track of where you were.

Answering calls not only distracts you but also takes you away from your desk either literally or mentally. You start to worry about your diary or your customer services, instead of the project which only you can handle.

Not only is this time wasted for you, it is also stressful when deadlines have to be met and instead of meeting them you are spending valuable time dealing with other things. Deadlines come and go whilst you are answering your telephone.

At this point in your business Zoom can help by answering calls for you and even planning your appointments diary, if this is what you would like us to do. We can also take orders and numerous other time consuming administrative duties that you don’t have the time and space to address. Our staff are sourced from customer service backgrounds, making them familiar with the needs of a courteous and friendly response, as well as being efficient and able to deal with answering business calls in a professional manner.

Zoom answering calls can be a way of taking the distraction out of your day thereby allowing you to experience an uninterrupted work flow, and so start and finish your projects at one sitting, instead of numerous thwarted attempts.

To cut the distractions give us a call on 0800 583 5020 and find out more about how we can help you. We offer a flexible service which can be tailored to suit your personal requirements.

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