Friday 16 March 2012

Even Call Answering Services Need To Laugh

Here at Zoom Call Answering Service, we spend a lot of time on the phone, or thinking about phone calls, and sometimes we just need a few laughs. What's the best way to amuse someone who spends all day on the telephone? That's right, with telephone jokes!

Here are some of our favourite telephone related jokes.

* What's the cheapest time to call your friend long distance? When they're out!
* What do you call an elephant in a telephone box (remember those?!)? Stuck.
* How can you tell if a bee is on the phone? You get a buzzy signal.
* What do you get if you cross a telephone with hair straighteners? A smooth operator!

Okay, so they're terribly cheesy, but can you do any better?! It's so important for us to answer the telephone with a smile on our face, and sharing a few jokes (and, we can admit it, a few practical jokes!), is a great way to keep us smiling all day long.

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