Friday 19 June 2015

Starting your own business

Getting a business off the ground frequently seems to be fraught with problems and instead of gradually getting things together it feels as it things are just falling apart. You need something or somebody to hold everything together otherwise the sales will drop off and you will be back where you started.

You may not have the finance to rent a formal office. Maybe you are continually travelling on the road and running your projects on a shoe string and you cannot afford your own secretary. Stopping to answer your phone makes the whole day disjointed and instead of a good workflow you feel interrupted and on edge….simply because you have to put everything down and park in a layby whilst dealing with your calls.

Zoom’s answer call service can provide you with the benefits of a secretary without the cost of a full time receptionist and without having to provide all the expense of setting up an office and incurring the ongoing costs of heating, lighting, rental, plus the expensive business of holidays, sick leave and all the other legal requirements that taking on staff involves. These sort of expenditures play havoc with a budget that is tight and at times feels stretched to breaking point.

Zoom will take time to become acquainted with your business and will allocate well trained staff to deal with the calls that are so disruptive to do your day. They will do as little or a much as you want them to….from taking orders to giving information and dealing with messages with the state of the art technology which we use.

If you have a website, with our high speed link, we can access your diary or your products to deal with requests for information or orders that you want us to deal with. In short, we offer a flexible service which can be engineered to suit your requirements and will leave you free to do the work that you need to, while we do the work that we are good at, in your virtual office.

Give Zoom a call on 0800 583 5020 to find out more as to how we can help to hold your business together whilst you are out and about.

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